Our objective of identifying, acquiring and managing profitable investment opportunities is unwavering. The investment process, on the other hand, is a little more bespoke.
Develop and agree a clearly defined strategic investment profile, setting out timeframes, ambitions and responsibilities.
Leveraging our extensive network and regional knowledge, we source a wide range of both ‘on-market’ and ‘off-market’ investment opportunities.
The opportunities are meticulously screened to shortlist those most likely to meet our clients investment objectives.
Shortlised opportunities are painstakingly scrutinised, physically viewed and financially modelled to determine suitability and the likely risk adjusted return.
Finalise financial modelling and investment reporting; commence negotiations to acquire in-line with the business plan.
Following acquisition, assets are intensively and proactively managed in order to create a step change in capital value.
Following the completion of the asset management strategy, we look to dispose of the asset in line with the business plan. Market conditions are assessed before marketing and completing a sale.